• Posted By Sirmabekian
  • 2022

A Guide To California Defamation Law

The act of providing incorrect information to a third party about a person that harms that person’s reputation is known as defamation. This article provides a guide to California defamation law. Elements of Defamation In California, the terms “defamation” and “slander” are defined by legislation and case ...

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  • Posted By Sirmabekian
  • 2022

What Action To Take If You Don’t Get Paid On Time In California

Knowing your rights as a California worker is key to protecting them. Part of these rights is that you should expect to be paid on time. All employers in California are legally obliged to pay their employees the entire and exact amount of wages owed for ...

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  • Posted By Sirmabekian
  • 2022

Understanding Quid Pro Quo Harassment In The Workplace

Quid pro quo is a term of Latin origin that means that something was gained after receiving something else. Quid pro quo harassment can thus occur in workplaces if a figure of authority within the company offers or insinuates that they will grant an employee something ...

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  • Posted By Sirmabekian
  • 2022

The Effects Of Wrongful Termination For Your Mental Health

As an employee, you depend on the stability of your job for your livelihood. Some of us might also see ourselves as a team player in the workplace, and find a sense of purpose from our jobs. Having both your sense of stability and purpose wrested ...

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  • Posted By Sirmabekian
  • 2022

The Benefits You Might Receive When Working In California

California law mandates that employers must provide particular benefits for their employees. We list them out here. Social Security Wages (ranging up to a certain amount) are taxed to provide employees with retirement benefits. The federal government provides Social Security to retirees; this is funded through ...

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  • Posted By Sirmabekian
  • 2022

Employee Vs. Independent Contractor: Key Differences Explained

There are distinct legal differences between both roles. With employees, companies withhold Social Security, Medicare and income tax from wages paid. For independent contractors, companies do not withhold taxes. Employment and labor laws do not apply for independent contractors either. So, what are the key differences ...

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