• Posted By Sirmabekian
  • 2024

Vague Firings: Uncovering Wrongful Termination When Reasons Are Unclear

In the world of employment, termination is often a sensitive subject, fraught with emotions and legal implications. When an employee is let go, it’s natural to seek closure and understand the reasons behind the decision. However, what happens when there are vague reasons for wrongful termination, ...

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  • Posted By Sirmabekian
  • 2024

What Are The Risks Of Being Hired And Paid As An Illegal Immigrants Under The Table?

The practice of paying illegal immigrants under the table poses significant legal and financial risks for both employers and workers. While it might seem like a simple solution to avoid paperwork and taxes, the consequences can be severe and far-reaching. This blog post explores the potential ...

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  • Posted By Sirmabekian
  • 2024

Why California’s Fast Food Wage Increase Benefits Restaurant Owners

The increase in the restaurant minimum wage California to $20 per hour (from $14-$15 in 2022) has sparked considerable debate. While many believe it only benefits workers, this blog post explores how this wage hike can actually be advantageous for restaurant owners. Understanding these benefits can ...

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  • Posted By Sirmabekian
  • 2024

How Can Child Support Be Collected From Someone Working Under The Table

Dealing with child support issues can be challenging, especially when the non-custodial parent is working under the table. This situation can make it difficult to track income and enforce payments. However, there are legal strategies and resources available to help you secure the child support your ...

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  • Posted By Sirmabekian
  • 2024

How California Schools And The Fast Food Industry May Clash After The Minimum Wage Increase

The recent increase in minimum wage California for fast food workers and school staff is set to bring significant changes and challenges. This increase aims to improve the living standards of low-income workers but may also lead to conflicts between various stakeholders, including educational institutions and ...

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  • Posted By Sirmabekian
  • 2024

Can You Be Fired Over The Phone In California?

The question “Can you be fired over the phone in California?” is increasingly relevant as remote work and independent contractors become more common. Terminating an employee over the phone raises legal and ethical considerations, particularly in states like California, which has stringent labor laws. This blog ...

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